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5 TIPS FOR TRAVELING ALONE (in a Scifi Universe)

1. Always carry a gun, especially a nifty wow that might do damage just looking at it weapon.

2. Cop attitude - aka... Pouty lips, sultry pose, fun hair colored in blue and purple.

3. Wear awesome sunglasses (Not the "I found them at the discount store brand". To clarify, this is the uber expensive "they can't read your emotions" kind.)

4. Look mysterious, or maybe chick, or okay, just cool. This includes wearing fabulous attire that screams I'm sexy and I know it. (We're aiming for a retro rocking I wear leather that takes way too long to unbuckle but OMG I look hot, right?)

5. Be knowledgeable in a variety of martial arts techniques (not illustrated but implied with the cocky 'in your face' and I can 'whip your ass' pose).

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